Changed control, camera and UI. Finished Alpha build

For this week, we make multiple changes based on feedback from previous playtesting and last week's feedback. We also started on level 2 and finish the Alpha build of our game.

Our change this weeks is mainly continuing our plan from last week. For the gaming experience side, we adjusted the controller setting so that it now matches more with most player's playing habits, and adjusted the isometric camera angle to allow the player to see things at a suitable range. Based on feedback around the confusion regarding the lighting of interactable objects, we changed it from lighting to outline to give a clearer hint to the player for what is usable. A new score system was also added within the levels and at win/lose state based on our observation during the play testing session that some player would just hold one food to win the level.  On the art side, we did major adjustments to our overall color scheme, added the newly designed main menu and instruction page to let player know the background of the game. Static object for level 2's living room, cat model, skybox and interactable's model is also imported to the game. Besides, we also added multiple audio pieces for different interaction for the game. 

For the next week, we're planning to add more interactable objects and make improvement based on this week's presentation and play testing session feedback. 


Mac_Alpha_Build 226 MB
Nov 02, 2022
TheFatFight(WindowsBuildExe).zip 328 MB
Nov 02, 2022

Get The Fat Fight

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